

I wish I could forgive you
for all the things you did in my childhood
but you've never actually tried
to say your sorry
or even to ask for forgiveness
you say I can tell you anything
but thats not true
because there's some things I tell you
you argue with me about
and tell me that my opinion is wrong
without even hearing me out
you say you won't be mad at me
for not wanting to spend the night at your house
for wanting to spend some time on myself
but then you call me
I refuse to answer
and you leave me an enraged reply telling me to call you back
you still never apologized for that only made excuses for your anger
in the end that's all I really want
all that will make me truly forgive you
for the drunken nights of yelling
that flood over the good memories of my childhood that I'm no longer able to remember
I just want you to say that you did me wrong and what it was with no excuses for why you thought you acted the way you did
because In the end the excuses are you just trying to forgive yourself and not an apology to me
© Caitlin