

Kula' Story
Write a poem on how you became soulmates and how no obstacle will be able to keep you apart.

"Kula’s Story"
By:De Ona Charamut

As my mind wanders back
I think of the days we had
I think about all of our firsts
And all the good times and the bad
I’ll never forget the incident
Where he chewed up the paper towel rolls
You chewed up every one of them
Cause you got punished with one just hours before
Kula only chewed up the cardboards
Everything else was left in the trash
I guess Kula knew better NOT to go there
But it still made me double over and laugh!
YES, ONLY my dog
Was smart enough to get even with me
Have I told you the story though
About the “Murder of Poultry”?
One day, Kula was in his kennel
And I was out in the yard
When I looked over at him
And noticed something red on his white paw
I stopped what I was doing
And I moved a little closer
It was then I noticed all the feathers
Covering every spot ALL OVER
Kula was sitting in his dog house
Paws crossed, just as happy as he could be
He just committed the ULTIMATE SIN
The sin was murder of poultry
In the first degree
So I might add
I had to figure out how to clean it quick
Cause the mother-n-law was gonna be mad!!
I figured the chicken got out of the pen
That was SO poorly built from the start
The chicken saw Kula’s food sitting there
Like something you’d find at the local mini-mart
Kula had chewed a hole a while back
Through the door of the kennel that was chained link fence
The hole was just big enough I guess
For a chicken to gain entrance
I pictured Kula was resting
But woke up and noticed lunch was being served
He feasted on that poultry
Like a dog on a chicken would
ONLY feathers
Is what was left behind
Everywhere in the kennel you looked was feathers
Up, down, and from side to side
It took an hour to clean the evidence
Then we came up with a cover story
So the mother-n-law assumed it was coyotes
That made off with some of her poultry
The dozens of feathers were hidden
In the bottom of the trash
Thinking of that story about the poultry murder
Always gives me a good laugh
His Lakota Indian name was “Spirit Wolf”
Cause he’d protect me and watch over me at night
He’d lead the bad people away from me in my nightmares
And he’d wake me up at the first ray of light
At 7:11 right on the dot each morning
I’d get a cold wet nose bump in the face
“It’s time to get up Mommie” as if he’d say
“It’s time to get off to the race”
“There’s people to sniff, things to see”
“And so much we need to explore”
Him and his leash would be waiting there for me
When I finally made it to the front door
Then one day the neighbor’s dog
Twice tried to attack and come at me
But somewhere Kula came out of no where
And twice Kula intervened
He intercepted the dog
Right as the dog was about to leap
He drug the dog off to the side
Stood over him and snarled his teeth
TRUE STORY, the dog whimpered, laid on his back in submission
But Kula came to me when I called
And the dog got up, ran home yelping
I got down, thanked Kula and then started to bawl
I promised him nothing would ever separate us
Nothing would tear us apart
How I loved him so much
I loved him with all my heart
When I had my car
Kula loved to go for rides
ANOTHER story I have was at the gas station
When this white dude walked by
I was coming out of the store
When this white guy walked up to me
He said that his dog was recently stolen
And that was HIS dog in my backseat
I said “OHHHHHH REALLY?!?! Well, you go get your dog then"
"Let’s see how well that works out for ya"
Kula turned into Cujo
And the guy quickly changed his tune
He stumbled back a couple feet
And said NO, that wasn’t his dog at all
I told him have a nice day, go fuck yourself
And get the fuck away from my car!
I remember as we drove away
I started telling Kula
How there are blistering idiots all around
And that you just can’t fix stupid!!
My beloved Kula was born
On December 6th Two Thousand and Four
He passed away quietly on December 20th, 2015
When he was 11 years old
I miss you baby boy
Not a day goes by that I don’t think of you
I wish I had another chance
To touch you, hug you and tell you I love you
I’ll NEVER forget you
You have a special corner in my heart
I now can only see you in my dreams and
I kept my promise-how nothing would tear us apart
I wanna get a tattoo
In memory of him
That says “I was His; He was Mine”
Across the back of my forearm
Sometimes my mind wanders back
I think of all the days we had
I think about all the stories
Of all the good times and the bad

To: (My Soulmate)
Kula Kools Charamut
“Kula Monster”
December 6th, 2004 – December 20th, 2015
“I was His; He was Mine”

© De Ona Charamut