

Human heart
Why do people do bad things? Answer this question by writing a poem.

In the human heart, a tempest brews,
A blend of shadows, light, and hues.
Within the depths, desires may stray,
Leading some to wander far astray.

Reasons myriad, motives vast,
Some are fleeting, others last.
From greed and envy, anger and fear,
Spring actions that to the heart appear.

Seeking power, control, or gain,
Some traverse a path of pain.
Blinded by ambition's dazzling light,
They lose their way in the darkest night.

But amidst the shadows, a glimmer shines,
For kindness in the human heart entwines.
In the tapestry of life, both dark and bright,
Choices made in the dead of night.

So, why do people do bad things, you ask?
In the complexities of the human task,
The answer lies, in part, within,
A dance of virtue, a struggle to win.

For in each soul, a battle rages on,
Between what's right and what is gone.
Yet hope persists, a guiding star,
To lead us back from near and far.
© Santanu