

Ancient Greece 8 types of love
1.) Agape-Selfless love

2.)Eros-Romantic love

3.)Philia-Affectionate love
No sexual attraction/Supportive friends

4.)Storge Love-Familiar love
Love between a parent and a child

5.)Mania-Obsessive love
Lack of a strong foundation, Jealous, Controlling, & Posessive mainly due to one not feeling secure in the relationship, when a partner has low self esteem, feeling like feelings from their partner are not reciprocated and they just want to be loved

6.)Ludus-Playful love
Falling in love, afterwards being in a long term relationship with a person they start to feel stagnant as if they do not know that person anymore.

7.)Pragma-Enduring love
From the initial feelings of Ludus comes a Love that has grown and matured over time, reciprocated love, patience, and compromise are made to make the relationship work

8.)Philautia-Self love
This is essential in achieving Pragma, it is one of the most important loves, and one of the hardest for a person to keep & obtain. It is about being compassionate to yourself, accepting yourself & accepting yourself as you are.

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