

Oh Childhood…
Childhood, oh childhood, how sweet you are,
A time of innocence, unburdened by scars,
Days filled with laughter, and carefree play,
Where the worries of life, were far away.

We ran through fields, without a care,
Our hearts were light, our souls laid bare,
We chased after butterflies, and climbed up trees,
Our imaginations soared, as high as the breeze.

We played hopscotch, and jump rope too,
And chased each other 'til we turned blue,
We scraped our knees, and got our hands dirty,
But we never gave up, even when things got hurty.

We made forts from pillows, and blankets too,
And dreamed of adventures, that we'd one day pursue,
We read books, and sang songs with glee,
And danced in the rain, so wild and free.

Oh childhood, how fleeting you are,
A time of wonder, that leaves us with scars,
But we hold on tight, to the memories we've made,
And cherish the moments, that will never fade.

© Susan_Phiri