

Silent Longing
Had been many days
Not been talking to you,
Wondering if you miss me
The way that I do.

Wondering what you do
As you go through your day,
But why am I thinking too much
Does it really matter, anyways?

Yes it does, it matters for me
To get to know if you are happy,
Or if you get mad,
And if things make you sad.

You know, the days are good
Even without having you,
But the fact that it hits different
When you are a part of it too.

This pacified feeling
In my little heart,
Can't hold it for longer
My world is tearing apart.

On a fine day just come,
Talk to me in that old way
Tell me how you've been doing all day.

I promise, I won't question where you've been,
I won't bother you with the messages you've left unseen.
I won't, I know
But don't let that moment go.
Stay with me there,
Let's make memories to share.

But I'll ask you one thing,
And I'll do anything for you.
But just tell me if you miss me,
The way that I do.