

In life's vast tapestry, we all take part,
A journey of emotions, a work of art.
With every step we take, a story unfolds,
A short poem of life, in words untold.

Through joyous moments and trials we face,
We find our purpose, our unique space.
Each day a verse, a chance to grow,
To learn, to love, to thrive and sow.

Life's tapestry weaves a pattern unique,
A kaleidoscope of colors, bold and meek.
The highs and lows, the laughter and tears,
We find our strength, conquering our fears.

In fleeting moments, time slips away,
So cherish each breath, embrace the day.
For life is a poem, both gentle and grand,
Written by destiny's steady hand.

So let us dance in rhythm with the rhyme,
Embrace the fleeting moments, for they're sublime.
For in this short poem we call life's embrace,
We find our purpose, our light, our grace.
© IAmWord