

Vampires' Feast
The smell of the fresh blood
will put them in action
to come and feast as it becomes flood
with no feeling of redemption.
The vampires squad from ancient times,
when old wound reopens they are in prime.
You feel the pain of broken bones and tissue,
they haste happily,they wont miss you.
The infection is running through your veins,
you fight with what of you remains.
The ones who know your fragile spots
will bite first with venomous shots.
But you're old enough to know
to overcome and outgrow.
Your immune system remembered
their DNA, and you pretend to surrender
and obey.
And when they think you got numb,
you get away to heal and reveal who's dumb!
With garlic spray and silver spear,
you conquer them all without fear!

© Bea_Kiddo