

Fractured Dreams
In the depths of despair, where shadows grow long,
Lies the story of brokenness, a melancholy song.
A tale of shattered dreams, hopes turned to dust,
In the hushed whispers of night, in the hearts that rust.

Beneath the starless sky, where tears silently fall,
A symphony of brokenness, a soul's mournful call.
In the cracks and crevices of life's twisted art,
The fragments of a once-whole, a broken heart.

For poverty's cruel grasp, like a vice, holds tight,
Squeezing dreams till they vanish, like stars in the night.
In the eyes of the weary, resilience still gleams,
As they navigate the labyrinth of broken dreams.

But from brokenness blooms a resilient flower,
Its roots find their way, and they grow, hour by hour.
In the darkest of moments, a glimmer of grace,
A chance to rebuild, to find a new place.

For even in brokenness, a strength does arise,
A spirit unyielding, with unwavering eyes.
To mend what is shattered, to heal what is torn,
In the crucible of struggle, new hope is born.

So let us not despair when brokenness we meet,
For within the shattered, there's a story complete.
A tale of courage, of persistence, and grace,
In the brokenness of life, a new path we trace.
© DMN 2023