

Friendship was a joke
Someone just lost a loved one today……
You should be happy to be alive

Life is so short and fragile,
Yet so many want to die.

She just found out she has cancer today,
She doesn’t want to die.

Yet someone is perfectly healthy,
And they struggle to stay alive.

For every soul that dies alone
is a soul that didn’t know.
They didn’t know who loved them or why they had to go.

I think of all the people that “choose” to take their life. And yet others who wish to stay alive, tend to get sick and die.

Then I think of others,
who just wish they had a friend.
While others would prefer to be alone
And have no one to confide in.

The friends I wanted to love me
are the ones who walked away.
The ones I wanted to know me
are the ones that didn’t stay.

The very ones Who told me
that they would never let me go.
Are The very ones who showed me that their friendship was a joke.

© JustAnotherInkling🎨