

Not the same page
There's a time when you were okay,
Everyone came around you happily;
Dear now it's not same,
They're not there anymore.
The day light seems gloomy,
Turns out the night so soothy,
The trafic created by winds clashing gently;
Melodious voices lost in peace,
Can hear the drumming sound alone.
Solace in this silence
Thoughts wandering here and there
Upholding by none.
Where's the same page I've seen yesterday?
Torn apart utterly
Along with the best moments of mine.
Best person who got burnt other day
Isn't visbile to one or any;
Reincarnation process that goes on slowly,
Old friends not to be seen anywhere,
The current rain drops fell this way.

© RR
(BG credits : SUwalls)
#notthesamepage #witheredleaves #fallingandfailing #hope #bestpersonyouoncehad #nomoresamepeople