

ENDLESS DAYS AND NIGHTS. not awake nor asleep.
I don't sleep much.
I don't know why.
It doesn't come as easily to me now as it used to.

you see, when you're younger sleep is a good thing.
Your dreams are just stupid cartoons.

As you get older that changes.
Your thoughts get stuck, corrupted.
Your mind... now functions like a scratched disc that skips...
illogically jumping backwards and forwards and only playing back your least-favorite scenes.

Nights become less about fantasy, more about fear.
Endlessly light... always uneasy.
with endless thoughts
whether before and after doesn't really matter because the now is so.... strangely convincing.

So, you then try to avoid sleep altogether.
But that doesn't stop the dreaming.
Everything just becomes more confused, more intertwined....

Like your thoughts are leaking into your life.
In the end, you don't want to be awake or asleep.

Just want to be nothing....
new again...
like a baby.

so you can go back the the cartoons
you watched when you were young.

© you'll never find me.