

You Wish I Was Never Born
I think I remember a time
when I was vying for your attention.
I wanted to make you proud
as I longed for your affection.

But then one day I realized,
it was never going to happen.
That was the day I realized
that affection was a has-been.

Impervious affection
Insecure attention
Perilous rejection
Are all impinging lessons.

Now I finally realize
why I crave this sick attention
Now I finally realize
why I feel alone and jested

Now I finally realize
why I’m always feeling lost.
Now I finally realize
why I hate myself so much.

Who would of thought
when you said you hate me
and wish I was never born.
That it Would affect me
to such a large degree
and make me so feel alone?

© JustAnotherInkling🎨