

Sword of Silence, Sister
She went looking for a knight,
But instead she found a sword,
And sometimes,
I think that the insanity really was right
Because a poem saved her life
She went looking for a knight,
But instead,
She found a sword...

Hefted it high,
With the might of her mind,

And from that day on,
She's vowed that she would fight,
From that day on,
She promised she would speak,
To fight the world with her words

She went looking for someone,
But instead she found her paper,

She went looking for her savior,
But instead she found herself

Because insanity really was right,
There's no one to save you,
Pick up your sword,
Your pen off that shelf,
Heft your shield high,
And your ink, spilling forth

Because there's no one to save you,
So both fight your battles,
You'll either win,
or you won't

But regardless of either,
You'll see a little bit clearer,

And battle after battle,
As you wage war against silence,
You'll find that,
There are quiet pockets,
Quiet but not silent
And these are your allies in this eternal fight,
These are your comrades,
In this never ending night,

For they will lend you their worlds,
They will lend you their oceans,
And theit great red skies,
They will lend you their winds,
On which you'll learn to fly

So in the quiet little places,
For silence isn't found,
In the quiet little places,
Were poems burst forth,
from the ground, all around,

There you can rest,
There you can sleep,
You can lay your head,
Upon the grass as you dream,
Dreaming of colors,
Of the laughing of light,

So pick up that sword,
Take to the fight,
Pick up your pen,
We've a battle to win,
So you'd better go write...

You have shown them you're here,
That you've power and might,
It may be trapped in a pen,
But it's a powerful light

Because she went looking for her savior,
But instead she found herself,
She hung up her sword,
I took her pen back off the shelf

She went looking for a knight,
But instead she found a sword,

She went looking for a battle,
But instead she found her words,

She went looking for a world,
But instead she found herself

She went looking for a sister,
And she found her,
All right

She went looking for a sister
And found her lying there...


© The Aeth Aero