

Dear Comrades
Dear Comrades,
They never told us life out here would try to kill the little joy we had left when we departed from the university. Even if they did, who would have believed? I mean...who amongst us would have thought of anything lesser than a well-paying job...a decent life; free from frustration, and being broke would be a thing of the past. It's been months now; even though every day out here feels like a year going by with nothing to show the world. Some of our colleagues got lucky; some are dead; some have lost the ability to even keep pressing forward. I'll keep it simple by saying, we are blessed to be counted among the living; well, and able to push forward sometimes...although.

We ended our contract with the University just so that we can sign better contracts with the Universe; with so much joy. I could still recall how the majority of us dressed our faces with smiles on that big day, dancing to the beat of that congratulations song. But now, we are left with nothing good to smile about. We have no choice but to shout the 'concern-decoration' song. We are so concerned but we look like decorations; painting smiles of it's okay on our faces. Slowly we cry for better. Often, it feels as though life here runs in reverse.

Sometimes, you feel so dead within; sometimes broken; battered; you even doubt if there is anything called hope. But don't you dare give in to quitting. Don't even think about giving up on me now. Never fall for the idea of letting life beat you to the game. Life has won so many players to the games, and thus plans to win many more, but don't you just sit there and accept the loss, give life a tough day playing with you. The game might sometimes present you like a roasted chicken ready to be consumed. Sometimes, you'd even smell like one, and you'd feel like you've lost all the wins in the game. For once in forever, you need to keep believing in the power of, "I'll keep pushing", even if it's gonna be for one more day. Keep trusting your inner self.

Remember comrades; you conquered those stressful times, remember...remember when you had to wake up early every morning getting yourself ready for endless classes and stay up the whole night studying, just so that you make grades...you had high hopes that someday it will be done and busted. You won! now a certified graduate. Even though you weren't the best, you managed to pull through. That's it, the power within; you kept pushing.

I tell you this, you are going to fall severely out here. Sometimes, you'd even break both legs, and you might want to believe you are not capable to stand anymore...are you accepting the brutality of life to just weigh you down? You've just allowed faith to fall off your shoulder. Fall, keep falling; break all your legs. But make sure you keep standing up stronger and ready to break another leg; if that's what it cost to keep moving. Break everything, but stand up again and again. And then, when you finally stand up strong, remember, there is a brother falling face down with broken legs unable to walk. Pick them up, and help them believe they can walk again. Yes, it's okay to help, it's okay...there is no wrong with being a brother. It's the COMRADE CODE. Pick up your brother and teach them to walk. It's okay to be human.

Comrades, don't forget to make mistakes. It's okay to make multiple mistakes...I mean...you are human, right? Humans make mistakes and they learn from them. So make as many mistakes as possible, and learn from them. It's gonna be 'all right' someday. Listen to the whispers in the air. I hear the song of freedom from a distance calling. Keep the faith...and let the wind guide you through.

Dear Comrades,
Society is battered, the government isn't doing so well either, and family pressure piles. Oftentimes, you feel like you'd die soon...you feel like losing it. You just wish you are dead sometimes. Nobody truly understands. Afterward, you've graduated and so much is expected of you. Jobs aren't available; although they are: for the BLESSED as they say. Especially when society evidences a clear picture telling us that the BLESSED are named according to how connected you become. It's only the 'connected' who we call THE BLESSED ones.

Most times we endure brutal stabbings, going from one office to another waiting timelessly to be called, NEXT please! for their already staged interviews-- when of cause the BLESSED are already named to be awarded the jobs. It's a pity are names are never included when the final list is submitted. We desire deeply to build empires but aren't capable to build ours now. I hope when we get a turn at it-- owners of companies-- we won't repeat the same things we detest.

I know sometimes life gets terrible, even harder. Breathing is a must, right? So breath. Let in that air, let it in. Yes, I know you almost gave in to quitting. Honestly, who would not want to quit everything when they are stabbed inside out? I know; I too feel the same pain clutched on my heart...I can't even afford to walk when it strikes. But you know what? I manage to pull through always because I believe in remittent change.

Comrades, the things we learned in the university assured us of a better life afterward...we feel stupid now, right? It's like we went to the University just because you thought it was going to change the story. Look at you now...the story is changing you. With wrinkles all over your face...you look aged as you glance in the mirror. With posing questions: is this truly me?

Dear Comrades,
I tell you this, you haven't lost the fight yet. Stop the self-downcasting and focus on the bright side of life. There is still life after all. Let's stop beating ourselves black and blue. Note: Our God is fair. Our time will come. Just keep the faith and stand strong through the waving storm. The storms would blow harder. Learn to dance in the storm.

Dear Comrades,
Cheers to a better life ahead!
© Dfonjah