

Symphonic Turf Ticklers
In a meadow bathed in golden light,
Symphony walks with steps so light.
Barefoot upon the carpet of green,
Turf Ticklers, as if in a dream.

Each blade of grass caresses her sole,
A dance with nature, a harmonious stroll.
Symphony, the girl with a name so sweet,
In this symphony of nature, her heart finds its beat.

Her toes embrace the earth below,
As if the grass, a soft, verdant pillow.
Whispers of the wind carry her along,
A serenade of nature, a melodious song.

Turf Ticklers, a playful term for her feet,
Connecting with the ground, a sensation so sweet.
Through meadows she wanders, a living art,
Nature's canvas, a masterpiece from the start.

The sun dips low, casting hues of red,
Symphony's barefoot journey, where dreams are bred.
Grass beneath her, a carpet so fair,
Turf Ticklers, dancing with the air.

Her laughter echoes through the meadow,
As she dances with grace, a radiant shadow.
Tender blades embrace her as she moves,
Nature's embrace, a rhythm that soothes.

In this symphony of life, she finds her part,
Turf Ticklers, a connection to the heart.
Through fields of green, a ballet so divine,
Symphony dances, her spirit entwined.

So let her walk, in the grass so green,
Turf Ticklers, a whimsical scene.
In nature's arms, she's forever free,
A girl named Symphony, a joyful decree.

© Metta_Zen