

You Hide
You Hide
Among our ignorant young
You Hide
Like cowards you are
You Hide
Behind young woman and men
You Hide
Knowing that you will not be caught
You Hide
As you have all your adult life
You Hide
Just as you did killing innocence
You Hide
Just like you did when you raped and killed innocent women and children
You Hide
As you did in war allowing innocent to die in your place
You Hide
As your shame tell you too
You Hide
From Allah knowing His wrath will come
You Hide
From true Muslim because of the rape of men and children
You Hide
In this country because your own country knows what you are
You Hide
Because you are not men but animals
You Hide
Waiting to strike on the people who help you
You Hide
From the light knowing that your soul is black
You Hide
But know you will be found
You Hide
But your time is short and people are tired
You Hide
Among those who have not seen your evil
You Hide
Because you are Hamas
You Hide
Because you are cowards of the desert
You Hide
Because you have never been warriors
You Hide
Afraid of the pit you will spend your eternal life in
You Hide
But you will be found
You Hide

© Robert prezioso