

Dear Mum
Dear mum, do you hate me for what I have done?....

... Absolutely not son, you're still a child of mine....

I've committed a terrible crime mum...

Yes you have, and you'll face justice in time....

.... I made a terrible mistake mum, I'm so sorry....

... I know my love, and I understand why... .

... Try to forgive me mum, if you can...

... Of course my boy, do not to worry about me...

Sometimes mum I forget where I am and imagine I am home with you....

Sometimes son, I imagine you're a small child in my arms again...

And then in a flash.... The headlines scream out...

.... Guilty of murder and we, once again, both face our sentences...

Life..... For a life... That's the consequence of picking up a knife.... 💔

© simplymagickal