

Drowning in Sorrow
In the depths of sorrow's sea, I dwell,
Where waves of anguish rise and swell.

Each breath I take, a struggle deep,
As sorrow's currents around me creep.

The weight of sorrow, heavy as stone,
Drags me down, feeling cold to the bone.

In this vast ocean of despair,
I gasp for air, but find none there.

Memories like sharp coral reef,
Cutting deep, shaking my belief.

That happiness is just a dream,
Lost in sorrow's endless stream.

Darkness reigns, obscuring light,
As I struggle through the endless night.

Hope, a distant flicker, fades away,
In sorrow's depths, where shadows play.

But somehow still I fight against the tide,
Though it seems there's nowhere to hide.

I find that even in the darkest night,
There's a glimmer of dawn, a faint light.

So I'll keep swimming, though I'm tired,
Through sorrow's depths, though uninspired.

For even in the depths of despair,
There's a chance for hope to repair.

And though the waves may never cease,
I'll keep forever striving for inner peace.

For even in the deepest depths of darkest sea,
There's still a chance for joy to set me free.

© Metta_Zen