

Drifting towards the final break
I used to be stronger
But now I seem to get so easily hurt
And the silliest things affect me
Even if I'm trying my best to stay on alert

My shields are worn
They don't stand a chance against any attack
I'm a target without protection
And I'm sure it's written "kick me" on my unguarded back

I'm already down
Yet I'm still pretending that I have a destination
Embracing the emptiness inside
While I'm walking straight towards my own damnation

I knew that words hurt
But they've never stung as hard as they do today
And it still takes my surprise
How hard it's gotten to keep all my emotions at bay

I feel so damn small
So utterly weak that I can't overcome myself
And being lost in this endless spiral
Has made me want to run away from everyone else

I'm just...
I don't know how to get rid of this burning ache
It's swallowing me...
And it feels like I'm only drifting closer towards the final break...

© BellaWritingHere