

A Walk Through the Pain
I sit alone in the dark
Pain consuming my soul.
I’m spinning in space,
Spinning out of control.
My whole world is in chaos.
Peace is not to be found.
Love has forsaken me.
Hope has not made a sound.
I’m raging at a God,
Outside and beyond me,
For He is full of deception,
He won’t answer my plea.
I believed He was loving,
I was properly grateful.
But now is the truth,
He is spiteful and vengeful.
He has turned a deaf ear
To my soul wrenching call.
He has stricken me down,
Condemned me to free fall.
My pain overtakes me
In a mighty crescendo,
My mind, racked with fear,
Wonders where did my faith go?
And right at that moment,
My epiphany of pain,
Light fills my world,
And I’m grounded again.
I turn my eyes inward
And I know what I’ll find,
That God lives in my heart
While fear lives in my mind.
I speak humbly to God,
And I accept all of the blame.
I thank Him sincerely
For His love midst the pain.
Except for my blindness,
He was there all the while
And as my whole world turns brilliant,
God takes my hand with a smile.
©Linda Troxell