

A Ghost That Haunts Non-stop
The past is a ghost that often haunts us non-stop
causing us to doubt ourselves and our abilities.
It whispers of past failures...
Missed opportunities,
And makes it difficult for us to move forward.

The past is the ghost that haunt our steps
But we must always remember,
That the past is just a ghost...
It is a mere shadow of what was once there.
But is period expired and it faded with time,
It is now just the past.

So stop cheating on your future with the past.
The future is what matters now,
Because it in the presence where our true potential lies.
So if we can recognize the ghosts of the past And refuse to let them control our present and future,
Then we can break free from their hold
And embark on a new journey of self-discovery.
That will land us into the beauty of success.

© Chavani Ripfumelo Constacia