

who even cares?
I forgot myself,
in the fight.
the girl who once,
use to be brighter than a light.
Where have she been?
she is nowhere to be seen.
My heart became as,
hard as stone.
even more stronger,
than a bone.
What I have become and,
what I was?
what I have earn?
what I have loss?
I won't change myself at
any cost.
I want to find myself,
who is now lost.
They ate me up like meal,
But no one to heel.
No one to feel,
my feelings.
no one to understand,
it's meanings.
God too played game with me which is unfair,
but who even cares?
I care for you,
That's all they say.
remember, each one of you,
will have to pay,
for using me as,
your prey.

© JoYOuS