

Growing Up
You look at me as if I’m a child
as if I’m too young to know
the bad things in the night
and the creepy things during the day

I’m growing up
it was hard for me to accept
but I did
now you need to two

I’ll always be a baby to you
but you need to let me live
to let me be who i think I want to be
not just your opinion of who I should be

I don’t know who I am?
neither do you
I need to explore
figure it out for myself

I’m growing up
but your twice my age
and behind me
waiting for your life to begin

stop living through mine
like your shadowing me
and my life is a job.
I want to live!

stop looking down on your life
wondering what went wrong
what went right
you can never live that way

stuck in the past
afraid to let go
because otherwise
you won’t know who you are

but I’m at the age
where I’m ready to discover
your at the age
where you have settled down
having already figured out who you are

I know you do it because you love me
but in the end it’s suffocating
you put out the flame and covered me in a jacket
but the smoke is coming from underneath

you’ve helped me get here
but now you need to take a step back
I’m ready to take over the wheel
of my roller coaster of a life

© Caitlin