

My Dream Girl
I cried when I first saw you,
not out of pain but with joyful tears,
you looked like an angel,
so I found refuge in your arms,

it was love at first sight,
and after twenty plus years,
we still look at each other,
with the same love in our eyes,

you said "yes" before I asked,
From 0 months you've loved me,
in sickness and in health,
in poverty and in wealth,

not even death will do us part,
forever is short, I want you always,
in heaven as angels ,
Or in hell like ghosts,

you will still be my dream girl,
if girls are made from our ribs,
then we are a vice versa,
for I was made from your womb,

I know no two people are like,
yet I pray for someone like you,
to stand face to face with me,
at the alter and make vows with,

yes I pray for someone like you,
someone who will listen to my cries,
understand my silence,
and will always have time for me,

I pray for someone like you,
to love me like you do,
even when I have nothing,
I would still be everything to her,

I wish for someone like you,
to pray with and for me,
someone as wise as you,
to be my friend and my counselor,

yes I pray for someone like you,
I know it's too much to ask,
but dear God I hope I will be luck;
Yes as luck as my father was.
© glayvin