

my Woman
i fall in her embrace naked
unclothed of my manliness

she kisses my forehead
and my choas evaporate

she pampers my tantrums
like a kid i'm and i live
childhood again

she shelters my fears
with her bold femininity
and i breathe confidence
with her

she calms my untold desires
with her warm breaths
and i bloom like a lotus
on her surface

she warms my dormant soul
with her calm eyes and i
blaze from inside

she paints my blank canvas
with her colourful thoughts
and i shine like an evening sky

she blankets me amidst
her thorax and
i glide into sleep listening lullaby
of her melodious pulsations

she holds me amidst
her arms and
i leave all attachments of outer world
becoming a drop of her
oceanic existence.

being her man,
she privileges me with
love, romance, divinity,
womanhood, motherhood..

© jWalant

#jwalant #wordsofpoetry #love #writco #feminine #femininity #Womanhood