

What Have We Become?
What have humans become? Monsters residing in mortal vessels,
Subject to decay, a paradox of virtues and vices that wrestles.
In the labyrinth of progress, we've forged a complex path,
Yet, shadows of our nature linger, an intricate aftermath.

From ancient tales to modern lore, the echoes resound,
A symphony of triumphs, but also the darker ground.
In the crucible of time, morality we mould,
But within our hearts, stories of benevolence and cold.

Technology blooms, a testament to our might,
Yet, it casts a shadow, blurring day and night.
Monuments rise, reaching the sky's embrace,
While beneath, the roots of compassion we misplace.

We tame the elements, bend nature to our will,
Yet, in the pursuit of power, compassion can stand still.
Through the ages, we've woven a complex tapestry,
A portrait of ambition, compassion, and our fallacy.

The duality within us, a delicate dance,
As we balance on the edge of virtue and chance.
Monsters or angels, our fate is entwined,
In the mists of time, the human story's defined.

© Metta_Zen