

Being me
Being me, what does that mean? To show you, the accurate me comes with emotion and pain. But I had to learn to embrace my thoughts. I can't see the true me. My eye is stuck in the past. The only thing I can see is the pain. I know there is more to me. But when I look at you. I realized I couldn't be me because you were not ready to see the truth. That will mean you will have to move on from your lie. You had asked me once. Do you hold me down for being myself? I can't be me around you. The reason can't be released to you. Be true to yourself. The only thing stopping me is the lie I tell myself. Then, I look forward to hearing the truth before I can be myself. My past holds me down to the person I was meant to be. But my true self will come out when I open up.
You are wondering if you could hold me down. Then, I realize what holds you down. It all started with a lie. The lie you put on yourself will only take you far. There will be two sides of me. The person you broke your promise to. Or the one you hide your true self. I wonder if I can see your true self. Can you see my true self? It is short and straightforward. You met my true self a long time ago. But I only know what you want me to see. But I only want to see us being each other. Not let us live with two difficult people. Just be who we indeed are. I hope that will be good enough for each other. To find our true selves. But as for me, I won't let you. Keep me from growing up and being me. There are two choices we have. One can be the person we were meant to be, Or we can hide our true self. I choose me over a lie. Being me means that I don't hide my true self.

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