

I g n o r a n t
You messed me over
You made me lose and then gain weight
All because I couldn't escape
As I could not realize what I suffered from
every day

Thinking this was how a child should be treated
Emotionally and mentally beated
Scared without anywhere safe
You took all of the good things that supported me away

I hate that it feels wrong to contact help
The manipulation that made me think telling the truth would send me to hell
That you're the person I think I should go to when my tears well

Just for you to tell me it didn't matter if they tried to physically assualt me
That I lied, I was the one who was faulty

Like asking for a screenshot when you had my phone
What can I do, when this is what I'm told?
The password I gave you when you threatened my soul
If you just scrolled up through those texts a little bit
You'd see them say I was a...

And tell me to off myself
For saying no
To a relationship

Rather than the end
When I said I'm sorry- I no longer want a friendship

But apparently that was bad
Because you promise I was the who ruined it
Rather than setting a boundary
Long overdo
After all that pain
They made me and my friends go through


I know you're trying your best
I know everyone is hurt and needs to rest
I just wanted you to understand I've been through enough

And maybe not intrude on my privacy
Even though you should've seen what he said
Let me tell you on my own time like I tried to

When I feel good in my head
Rather than go to them
The one who wished we were dead
Sending me away
Instead of comfort

Fake sorries
Is all that I ask for

© Exer