

In a world where perfection claims it's reign,
I seek solace in the cracks that remain.
For there lies an enchantment,
unseen by most,
In symphonies where imperfections host.

Look upon the ragged edges that fray,
the fragments of life that sway away.
Within these deviations, a spender blooms,
As sunlight dances on rough mornings' plume.

Like wildflowers that grow,
untamed and free,
Imperfections grant uniqueness, you see.
For nature's canvas paints
with strokes askew ,
Unveiling marvels that words fail to construe.

Gently pondered a weathered, time-worn face,
Lines etched with stories,
filled with wisdom's grace.
Each wrinkle whispering secrets that they've known,
A testament of a life fully grown .

In melodies that echo, slightly off-key,
By the hands of musicians , spirited and free,
See the harmony that lies beyond pure tones,
Where heart's yearning emerges ,
love condones.

The cracked pottery ,
Cherished heirlooms old,
Speaks of cherished memories
yet untold,
For scars and chips , a testament of age,
Only enhance the tales they can engage.

With each imperfect brushstroke
on the canvas ,
An artist's soul unveils it's
graceful prowess,
Captivating dreams, colour outside the line ,
Forming masterpieces divine,
so fine .

The moon, with all its craters and
rough hue,
Divulges secrets it guards,
shinning through.
Through blemishes,
luminescence displays,
A celestial aura glowing
all its days.

Embrace the flawed, the cracks in life's design,
For it is there true beauty
will align.
Imperfections breed strength
and resilience,
Transcending pretence with
unfeigned brilliance.

So let us celebrate these subtle
Where perfection bows to our revelations.
For in life's irregularity,
we find love.
A tapestry woven from gifts,
high above.

_______author (Eden).