

Poetic Journey
I've dispersed myself over the Earth
with each particle seeding the birth.
Some seeds bear wisdom of life
extracted from the survived strife.
Others artistic with music from mandolins,
painting the places and imagination scenes.
Romantic whispers of ideal affection,
on the jolly breeze in unknown direction.
And playful child without mature pride,
and happy faces of humans divine,
and tears of sorrow with will to hide,
and all of tomorrow of this life of mine.
All sinful thoughts cleansed by the verse,
all fictional plots embeded to rehearse.
And bright ideas,and motivation,
and anxiety of anticipation.
The knowledge gained from wise minds,
the discoveries from digging behind.
All I can feel and think of,
The inspiration from above.
I am grateful for all of this,
I am grateful for it's a bliss.
And may my particles evolve and rebind,
may they form a paradise found,
may they welcome the plants around.
May the Earth become beautiful again,
may we rebirth as graceful as when
we first took the breath of fresh air,
may we live in the realm without despair,
may we return to the innocence,
may we grow through the adolescence,
may we mature in wisdom divine,
may we extend to the sublime.
And may the Earth sing with us,
may the Earth be covered with grass,
may we walk barefoot and free,
may we drink the water from the spring,
may we dance and may we sing.
© Lady_O