

eres ese dulce del cielo
traído a la tierra para un paladar exquisito
uno que te funda haciéndote el amor en un poema
que te haga vibrar el alma
y que cada verso de su boca sea para ti un tesoro
fluyendo eterna en pura naturaleza
con la magia de tu estrella
la locura del deseo
la pluma de tu poeta
la esencia de la maravilla
y el volar de un infinito a su lado
© El poeta enamorado
you are that sweet from heaven
brought to earth for an exquisite palate
one who founds you by making love to you in a poem
that makes your soul vibrate
and may every verse from his mouth be a treasure for you
eternal flowing in pure nature
with the magic of your star
the madness of desire
your poet's pen
the essence of wonder
and the flight of an infinite at his side
© The poet in love