

Identity's canvas

In the realm of existence, where spirits collide,
We shape our identities, with journeys as our guide.
Like architects of self, we build from within,
In search of truth and purpose, we begin.

With each passing chapter, we shed, we grow,
Unraveling layers, to let our true selves show.
Through choices and challenges, we forge our own way,
Navigating the labyrinth of life day by day.

We paint our own portraits, with colors unique,
Weave stories and dreams, that make our hearts speak.
Piece by piece, we assemble our being,
Crafting an identity that is truly freeing.

From fragile beginnings to resilient bloom,
Shaping identities in life's vast room.
Through joys and sorrows, we discover our worth,
Embracing our essence, our true self's birth.

So let us embrace the power we possess,
To shape our identities, with love and finesse.
For in this grand tapestry, life's artistry resides,
As we sculpt our identities with each stride.
© Amicable