

The Desert
Sometimes I feel like a desert
Vacant and alone
I look to the future unknown
I've often walked a path with turmoil and alone
You promised the world but things shattered
I picked up the pieces of myself alone
You pointed out my faults then asked for yours to be wiped out and forgiven
The lies added up
The forced smiles
Felt like they were on my heart for miles
I walked on eggshells
Yet you pointed that it was me
Ive removed myself from your equation
Yet you are unsatisfied
You feel justified
For many years you repeatedly lied
Slowly I felt my personality almost die
I tried and tried
You got angry and would lie
Then told me I was paranoid
There I was convincing myself maybe you wouldn't lie
The cycle became insane
Inside I felt like I was mamed
In the end I felt like I had no name
But that's never the end of your game
It's too late now for the power over me you seek to obtain
I'm not going to be the same
I'm breaking this cycle and ending your game
You can stay in the desert and remain

© ER