

"Not A Way of Life"
“Not a Way of Life”
By: De Ona Charamut

Whatever problem you might be going through
Is just a situation and not a way of life
There’s things you may need to give up to fix it
And ways you have that you may need to sacrifice
They say live life for today cause yesterday is gone
And tomorrow is not guaranteed
I think that’s advice that should be listened to
And tried to be applied eventually
If you keep having the same problem means
You haven’t learned a lesson yet
But make sure whatever it is that you do
You do it and have no regrets!
Robert H. Schuller once said that
“Tough times never last but tough people do”
You gotta be tough but always gotta stay strong
In everything that life may throw at you
“Never bend your head”
“You always have to hold it high”
The famous words of Helen Keller
You have to look the world straight in the eye!”
“If what you’ve done yesterday still looks big to you”
“You haven’t done much today”
Its about living life how you want
And making your own way
“You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think”
“Attitude is the “little thing” that makes a big difference!”
“We can’t help everyone but everyone can help someone”
President Regan once said
A quote by Booker T. Washington was
“If you want to lift yourself up-lift up someone else” instead
These are all famous sayings from people we’ve heard of or know
People who’ve left behind some powerful words
Not so long ago
Most problems are all solvable
Remember it’s a situation and not a way of life
But you have to be willing to make change
And you have to be willing to make sacrifice

© De Ona Charamut