

All My Life
All My Life


All my life
A song sung into me
Of a better way to be
A new reality

Inside out
Was the world that blocked my way
Like the moon going through each phase
I was sure to lose my way

But I found you
Or I guess you found me
The One Exalted King
The reason for everything

And beyond
I found who I could be
Remember the new reality
Of castles and of kings?

That's what I wanted
That's what I needed
What my dying soul pleaded

All my life

Is it funny
That a man like me should laugh
At a world that's split in half
Half for darkness
Half for light?

No , it's not funny
It's too sad
A tale to tell
But I wish every sinner well
I wish every sinner well.

All my life
All the put downs
And take downs
All the songs without a sound
All the dying that's within

All.of you darlings you were beautiful
In your day
Is there something you want to say?
Is there something you want to say?

A hero I wanted to be
Instead I needed someone to rescue me
Someone to rescue me

All my life
If there was a way I could get to you
I would hopefully undo
The lies you were tied to

Please believe me
I am less a prophet than a fool

I was only good at breaking rules
I was only good at breaking rules

All my life
Please when you think of me my friends
Think of how my story
Actually, it has no end

But the truth
I really truly care
Perhaps we'll meet someday in the air

Perhaps we'll meet someday in the air...
© R Becker