


Relax with a cuppa
The one piece of advice we all can take is to appreciate ourselves more. As a society we no longer wait for others to appreciate us, but rather appreciate ourselves and acknowledge how far we’ve come.

Many of us remain stuck in the mindset of personal or professional competition with others, not recognising the achievements we’ve made, but measuring our own successes against others.

Appreciating yourself can be as simple as deciding you are worth being valued. It’s easier said than done, but continuing to think positively about yourself will slowly create a different mentality and outlook about yourself.

Another excellent way to appreciate yourself is remembering how far you’ve come. Thinking back to a year ago, five years ago or ten – did you ever think you’d be where you are now?

Did you get a promotion, buy a new house or complete a 10K run? Did you get a First on an assignment or get into your dream university?

Whatever that goal was that you’ve achieved, remember that the next time you consider tearing yourself down or comparing your achievements to others.

Achieving happiness starts with appreciating yourself and your own accomplishments.