

A visit from your soul
There are beliefs
That someone's ghost lives on
And still roams the world
Long after they´re dead and gone

We may sense them
And believe to hear their voice
Or feel their cold touch
Which fills us with terror and Joyce

I´m not a true believer
But there are things I can´t explain
And I could truly swear
That I’ve felt a ghost soothen my pain

One second I was breaking
While standing above your grave
The next I felt inner peace
Rushing through me with a sudden wave

I felt no more sorrow
Like there was nothing to mourn
The tears were gone
And my heart stopped feeling torn

I‘m still speechless
Of how wholesome it made me feel
And how could I ever insist
That this moment was anything but real

When I left the cemetery
The sorrow came back in full force
But it felt more bearable
And it’s still making me feel less remorse

It’s like the afterlife
Granted me a visit from your soul
And even if I just imagined it
I still got a final glimpse of what death stole 🥀

© BellaWritingHere