

My heart
I am wide awake
It is late night
But I can't sleep
May be it was you in my past life

The wind is here
So is the dark
But I am awake
Because You are In my mind

The stars are there
So is the clouds
The night is bright
Because you are my moon

The trees are there
So is the nightingale
But I feel alive
Because you are in her song

The road is here
So is the map
But I don't know where to go
Because you are everywhere

The sea is out there
So is the breeze
I came near you
Because once you hugged me like a tide

I am here
But not my mind
I feel dead inside
Because you took my heart

I touched my heart
Through your soul
Tears went down my cheeks
When I felt that I was still alive

maybe it was supposed to happen like that
your heart with mine
that could be the only way
so that I would stay alive