

This Planet, A Star
You call me broken,
But I am not of what others are,
So calling me broken,
Makes about as much difference,
As calling this planet a star

So next time you think,
About telling me who I am,
Just take a good look at your own hands,
Are they stained with the blood of the dreams you have crushed?
Or maybe the wishes you’ve caught?

So next time you think,
About telling me what I am,
Just take a look at your own hands,

You think that I’m guilty,
Of something I didn’t do,

You say that I don’t exist,
But that’s just your excuse,

Cause you’re scared of what's real,
You’re afraid of the truth,

You’re scared of the blood,
That’s staining your hands,

You’re scared of the world,
You’re afraid to let loose,

So don’t pin me with the guilt,
Of the gallows you’ve built,
Instead of seeing the truth,
You simply tied your own noose,

You’re afraid of yourself,
Of that trickling sand,

You’re afraid of what’s left,
Ticking on, all by itself,

You’re afraid of your End,
Of the change in these lands,

You’re afraid of the turning,
Round and round goes the hand,

You’re afraid of the time,
That somehow, passed you by,

You’re afraid of the clock,
Sounding still, tick, tick, tock,

You’re afraid of yourself,
Of that mantle on the shelf,

You’re afraid of your guilt,
You’re afraid of your pain,
You’re afraid of yourself,
You’re afraid of your shame,

You’re afraid,
But do not be ashamed,
Because you’ve no debt to pay,

You’re free to speak,
And be that as it may,
Whatever it may be,
You are free to say

Be free from the mundane,
From the chains of the ordinary,

So lair bird,
Sing your lament,

Warble your identity,
My sunset gold Canary,

But do not force your guilt,
Upon the innocent,

So do not call me broken,
As if I was made of glass,

I am ethereal,
A swirling eternity,

A churning sun,
A gaseous star,

A planet blue,
Of water and life,

An asteroid far,
Swung round a star,

A comet near,
A searing trail,
All but for serenity,

So rough a moon,
The cratered sea,
All but for tranquility,

You call me broken,
But I am not of what others are,
So calling me broken,
Makes about as much difference,
As calling this planet a star,

So before make a grave mistake,
Go on, take a look inside,
And learn who you are,
Before you call another planet a star,

So next time you put blame,
On somebody but you,
Take a look at your own hands,
Look at the blood of the dreams you have crushed,
Look at the stains of the wishes you’ve caught,

Look at the corrupted soul, that lies within your heart,

So don’t call this planet a name,
Not given by its moon and stars,
So don’t call this star a supernova,
Or by anything older,
Or by any other nature,
Than the bright burning sun,
That I was always born to be,

Don’t pin your guilt,
Your shriveling shame,
Onto the backs of others in your name,

Because hate is not a game,

And the pain you see,
Is not all there is,
Always, it is deeper,
Always, with need for a healer

You needn’t hold onto your hate,
You needn’t hold onto your pain,

See that we are all the same,
We’re all sisters in the eyes of History,
We’re all brothers in the eyes of The Other

So look inside and learn who you are,
Before you call another planet a star

© The Aeth Aero

P.S. I took the photo and I'm super proud of it too...