

Angel angel in the sky,
Come and find me, it's our time.

Dear mother, send her straight,
There's nothing left to contemplate.

Dear dear, I thank you so,
For creating room for us to grow.

Universe my source of strength,
I know you see as I repent.

Bring to me September vibes,
And let the people hear the cries.

Open up my path to peace,
And narrow all the darker streets.

Make me kind and keep me strong,
And make me sorry when I am wrong.

Drink my wine and keep me clean,
So I can house this life so keen.

Keep the pennies and pounds,
As I live for love and sound.

And my children, pure and true,
For whom there's nothing I cannot do.

Plant in me the will to live,
Full and fresh with love to give.

I live honest and grateful for,
Love that's growing into more.

© Natasha Lalji