

She Was Never Really Quite Ready
She was never really quite ready,
But she sipped on tea to help keep her steady.
Her healing shy smile hid her true depth of bravery,
The Universe would listen to her spirit, keeping away other's chicanery.

In moonlit whispers, secrets she'd confide,
Beneath the starry sky, where dreams reside.
Her soul, a garden of resilience and grace,
Each step she took left an ethereal trace.

Through the valleys of technology, she'd wander,
With the cosmos as her guide, her heart to ponder.
In the symphony of existence, her song played,
A melody of courage, in the universe displayed.

Her gaze held constellations, stories untold,
A cosmic dance of precious silver and gold.
In her fitful laughter, galaxies collided
A celestial ballet, where worlds coincided.

Amidst chaos, she found tranquil skies,
A haven where echoes of hope would arise.
Her footsteps echoed in the earthly expanse,
A testament to a spirit's resilient dance.

The constellations bowed to her silent decree,
A symphony of stardust, creative atoms set free.
She wore the night as her cloak of serenity,
A celestial poet for her weaving tales of eternity.

Through the eons, her essence would remain,
A luminous echo, an unknown ethereal refrain.
For in every twinkle and in every cosmic gleam,
Her spirit danced in a gleeful eternal dream.

© Metta_Zen