

Cloaked Reality
Don't wake up
You desire not to, I promise
We deserve some peace, don't we?
Look at me, would you?
I'm wrapped in a cloak of desire
My wishes know where I live
Awaiting you is but a void world

Don't wake up
Over here, love soothes
You remember, do you not?
Back home it shone with pain
I heard whispers to our mind
It relishes in happiness
Please keep sleeping

Don't wake up
Over here, the moon stares
Glows and halts at my request
Lying on its surface, admiring
With my partner, we do
Let's lie on this resplendent beauty
Please keep sleeping

Don't wake up
Over here, the rain never reaches cessation
You remember, do you not?
How big our smile becomes
Never will we view the sky,
Except that it pours upon the earth
Please keep sleeping

Don't wake up
Over here, my friends engulf me
Back home, they left holes in our heart
Deepening with anguish
Our smiles glued them shut
Never do I wish to return
Please keep sleeping

Remain asleep my love
You desire to, I promise
Our nightmares reside therein
I've found for us a peaceful haven
We shall thrive with no strife
Accept then dive in, my soul
Together, one and whole

© thekhan
Day 013/100