

Unworthy Of Love
Truly I feel crazy for having any emotions at all

So strange human nature feels like insanity

And I’m pleading with someone who doesn’t care for me

The very same someone

Who makes me feel so bad so emotional so sad

I’m trying my absolute best to earn her love and respect

And at the end of the day she’ll always disregard me

She always throw me out for the next best thing

Or maybe she’ll change

Maybe I’ll change her

Maybe I’ll fix her maybe she’ll love me

My world is full of maybes when it comes to her

She’s a walking mystery and I want nothing more than to make her love me

I want a future with her

So much so

I don’t incision a future without her

But it seems quite evident

I tend to say the wrong words

In the wrong moments

I’m not good enough

Nor am I worthy of her love

And I never will be worthy

I am not good enough to equate to her level of utter perfection

I am not good enough for her love

I am undeserving

I am unworthy

I think the only way to solve my worthlessness

Would be







Something to make her love me.

© Elizabeth Flynn