

The sword of word!
When words as swords pierce deep within,
Splitting the soul, where love had been,
Feelings once vivid now turn numb,
From vibrant hues to shadows glum.

A stab to the heart, a step undone,
Love's worth now lost, a battle not won,
Thoughts of rising, but then the fall,
Crying alone, ignored by all.

I tried to cope, but faltered fast,
Thinking it easy, but it couldn't last,
Now tears of blood fall endlessly,
Fainting, struggling, unable to flee.

They continue, the torment, the strain,
Harassment relentless, causing such pain,
Toxic echoes, a haunting cringe,
In this turmoil, my spirit does singe.
© JoYouS
#sapphire #sapphiremyoriginal @CuteBlue