

Beware of the Lords!!!
Who are the Lords that walk amongst us?
They’re the self professed ruling elite.
The Lords are chosen by secret ballot behind closed doors.
They crave power and control of the masses.
Their goal is for absolute proletariat subjugation.
Conquerors, silent assassins for their Overlords.
We must beware of the Lords, they will create burdensome problems on the edge of absurdity.
Chaos will become the new normal.
Within this confusion, the Lords are there pulling the strings. Guiding one way, pushing another, always for their benefit.
Good or evil matters not to the Lords, they invest heavily on both sides.
Regardless of who loses, the Lords win.
Their happiness is fabricated from societal distress and political discontent.
The common citizen’s liberty is detrimental to the tyrannical Lords.
Obedience is necessary in order not to upset the new status quo the Lords have created.
Questioning their decisions will be construed as a treasonous offense.
The Lords are ruthless in their dispensing of punishment.
To those who would dare disobey them, they risk total character assassination and financial ruin.
Beware the Lords!