

KM's Unsaid Love: part_36("The Heart's Resolve")
Title of Part Thirty-Six:
"KM's Unsaid Love: The Heart's Resolve"

With newfound clarity and purpose ablaze,
*KM ventures forth through life's maze.*
No longer shackled by doubt or fear,
*He holds his heart's resolve dear.*

In the quiet moments of introspection,
*He finds strength in his affection.*
For the object of his unspoken desire,
*He kindles a passionate fire.*

With each step, his resolve grows stronger,
*As he can wait on love no longer.*
In the echo of his silent plea,
*Lies a tale of love, deep as the sea.*

Stay tuned for more, as the tale persists,
*In "KM's Unsaid Love," where the heart persists.*
© KM.Pradhosh