

Dream Scheme
There has to be a way
to bring this idea to reality.
Feeling it, tasting it,
seeing it, hearing it,
sensing it, smelling it,
knowing it’s real.

Try this, not working,
try that, not working,
doing this, not working,
doing that, not working.

Evaluating, evaluating,
and evaluating more,
searching for the way,
changing the plan.

Failure? What’s that?
When there’s a will,
there has to be a way.

With each attempt
and not working,
something is learned.

With hundreds, thousands,
and millions of tries,
something has to work
to bring it alive.

Giving up?
Not an option!
Patience and diligence
is the only option!

#writcopoem #writcowriters
#writcocommunity #writcofamily

@Becky M Scranton