

Light that save my soul
In the shadows of my deepest night,
Where darkness claimed its cruel right,
A whisper broke the silent air,
A voice of hope, a call to care.

Through valleys deep and mountains high,
A Savior’s love drew ever nigh.
With every step, His grace revealed,
A heart once broken, gently healed.

In crimson tide, my sins were swept,
The cross of Christ, the promise kept.
No chains could bind, no fear withstand,
The mighty power of His hand.

From death to life, my soul reborn,
In His embrace, no longer torn.
The path to glory paved in light,
Through Jesus Christ, my guiding sight.

Eternal love, my beacon bright,
Through storm and calm, my endless flight.
In Him, salvation's sweetest song,
Where I, redeemed, forever belong.
© Testimony