

good-going hell...
The more you want a reply from a person, the more they'll keep silent.
the more you want to have a talk, the more away they'll walk.
it's like a puzzle with lost pieces, the lost answers to your questions..
you get tangled in your head, the person will run away from the conversation.
ask them about it and they are gone,
they don't care what they had done.
ignoring my thoughts is easy for you, thinking of it made my trust blew.
where you left me all alone, just take my thoughts too, who are still with me, when you can't handle them, then why did you put them inside of me??
now that you have made me confused,
irritated, trembling and screwed.
take me to the place you are going, is that place more good-going?
or just take my thoughts to hell, and you too end up there as well...

© rhythmydv